@article{27855, author = {Kathryn A Striebel and Charles Z Deng and Shi-Jie Wen and Elton J Cairns}, title = {Electrochemical Behavior of LixMn2O4 and LixCoO2 Thin Films Produced with Pulsed Laser Deposition}, abstract = {

Thin films of LixMn2O4 and LixCoO2 have been prepared by pulsed laser deposition on heated stainless steel substrates. These films have thicknesses from 0.2 to 1.5 μm and are crystalline without postdeposition annealing. The films' electrochemical properties were studied with cyclic voltammetry, current pulse measurements, and galvanostatic charge/discharge techniques. Film capacity densities as high as 56 and 62 μAh/cm2-μm were measured for LixMn2O4 and LixCoO2, respectively. Chemical diffusivities on the order of 2.5 x 10-11 and 1 x 10-10 were measured for LixMn2O4 and LiCoO2, respectively. Some of the films were cycled electrochemically for up to 300 cycles against lithium metal in 1 M LiC1O4/propylene carbonate electrolyte, demonstrating the promise of pulsed laser deposition for the production of cathode films for rechargeable lithium microbatteries.

}, year = {1996}, journal = {Journal of The Electrochemical Society}, volume = {143}, pages = {1821-1827}, url = {http://jes.ecsdl.org/content/143/6/1821.abstract}, }