@inbook{27812, keywords = {Energy efficiency, China Energy Group, China Energy, Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division, International Energy Department, Low-Carbon Eco-City Development, Low-Carbon Development, Climate change mitigation, Low-Carbon City, Climate action plan, Emissions inventory methods, Indicators and benchmarking}, author = {Stephanie Ohshita and Nan Zhou and Lynn K Price and David Fridley and Nina Khanna and Lixuan Hong and Hongyou Lu and Cecilia Fino-Chen and Gang He}, editor = {Jinyue Yan}, title = {Low Carbon Development for Cities: Methods and Measures}, abstract = {
Cities consume more than 60% of global energy and that share is rising with the rapid rate of urbanization. With cities playing a crucial role in sustainable energy and climate systems, this article examines emerging efforts by cities around the world to shift to a development pattern with less energy and less carbon. We review metrics that define a low carbon city and present key steps in low carbon development. We examine city-level inventory methods and target setting. Much of the article is devoted to examples of policy measures that cities are pursuing to save energy and carbon, from net-zero buildings and 20-min neighborhoods to distributed and renewable urban energy supply.
}, year = {2015}, journal = {Handbook of Clean Energy Systems}, volume = {6}, number = {Sustainability of Energy Systems}, pages = {1-23}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, address = {Chichester, UK}, isbn = {9781118388587}, doi = {10.1002/9781118991978.hces107}, }