@inproceedings{27228, author = {Emma M Stewart and Sila Kiliccote and Daniel Arnold and Alexandra von Meier and Reza Arghandeh}, title = {Accuracy and Validation of Measured and Modeled Data for Distributed PV Interconnection and Control}, abstract = {

The distribution grid is changing to become an active resource with complex modeling needs. The new active distribution grid will, within the next ten years, contain a complex mix of load, generation, storage and automated resources all operating with different objectives on different time scales from each other and requiring detailed analysis. Electrical analysis tools that are used to perform capacity and stability studies have been used for transmission system planning for many years. In these tools, the distribution grid was considered a load and its details and physical components were not modeled. The increase in measured data sources can be utilized for better modeling, but also control of distributed energy resources (DER). The utilization of these sources and advanced modeling tools will require data management, and knowledgeable users. Each of these measurement and modeling devices have accuracy constraints, which will ultimately define their future ability to be planned and controlled. This paper discusses the importance of measured data accuracy for inverter control, interconnection and planning tools and proposes ranges of control accuracy needed to satisfy all concerns based on the present grid infrastructure.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {2015 IEEE PES GM}, month = {07/2015}, address = {Denver, CO}, }