@misc{26743, keywords = {battaglia group}, author = {Jon P Christophersen and Ira Bloom and Edward V Thomas and Kevin L Gering and Gary L Henriksen and Vincent S Battaglia and David Howell}, title = {Advanced Technology Development Program for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Gen 2 Performance Evaluation Final Report}, abstract = {

The Advanced Technology Development Program has completed performance testing of the second generation of lithium-ion cells (i.e., Gen 2 cells). The 18650-size Gen 2 cells, with a baseline and variant chemistry, were distributed over a matrix consisting of three states-of-charge (SOCs) (60, 80, and 100% SOC), four temperatures (25, 35, 45, and 55°C), and three life tests (calendar-, cycle-, and accelerated-life). The calendar- and accelerated-life cells were clamped at an open-circuit voltage corresponding to the designated SOC and were subjected to a once-per-day pulse profile. The cycle-life cells were continuously pulsed using a profile that was centered around 60% SOC. Life testing was interrupted every four weeks for reference performance tests (RPTs), which were used to quantify changes in cell degradation as a function of aging. The RPTs generally consisted of C1/1 and C1/25 static capacity tests, a low-current hybrid pulse power characterization test, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The rate of cell degradation generally increased with increasing test temperature, and SOC. It was also usually slowest for the calendar-life cells and fastest for the accelerated-life cells. Detailed capacity-, power-, and impedance-based performance results are reported.

}, year = {2006}, month = {07/2006}, publisher = {Idaho National Laboratory}, address = {Idaho Falls}, language = {eng}, }