@article{26553, keywords = {microgrids, energy, Energy System Planning & Grid Integration}, author = {Jinkai Li and Bo Shen and Jin Zhang and Pei Miao and Dingyan Cai and Xiangying Fu}, title = {Characteristics and Application of Distributed Energy and Micro Grid: Based on Information Technology}, abstract = {

The development of modern information technology has provided the safeguard for the energy industry change. As in the information age, the distributed energy system, from the point of view of energy industry, is the use of renewable energy to solve the predicament of constraints in the traditional energy sources; From the perspective of the information industry, it is an issue of application of ntelligent information technology to solve the problem of information transmission and control of power supply and demand and the problem of distributed generation interconnection problems. Micro grid fundamentally solves the contradiction between the distributed power generation and power grid. This study gives the characteristics of information technology application of the distributed power generation system and emphatically discusses the micro grid characteristics, structure and operation mode. Finally it is talked about the micro grid development present situation and existing problems in China.

}, year = {2013}, journal = {Information Technology Journal}, volume = {12}, pages = { 5231-5237}, publisher = {Science Alert}, doi = {10.3923/itj.2013.5231.5237}, }