@article{26512, keywords = {spectroelectrochemistry, aluminum zinc oxide, indium tin oxide, nanocrystal, surface plasmon}, author = {Guillermo Garcia and Raffaella Buonsanti and Anna Llordes and Evan L Runnerstrom and Amy Bergerud and Delia J Milliron}, title = {Near-Infrared Spectrally Selective Plasmonic Electrochromic Thin Films}, abstract = {

A plasmonic electrochromic effect in which electrochemical doping reversibly modulates near-infrared surface plasmon absorption of aluminium-doped zinc oxide and tin-doped indium oxide nanocrystals is reported. Optical performance, switching kinetics, and cycling durability point to high-performance NIR selective plasmonic electrochromic coatings based on earth-abundant materials.

}, year = {2013}, journal = {Advanced Optical Materials}, volume = {1}, pages = {215 - 220}, month = {03/2013}, doi = {10.1002/adom.201200051}, }