@inproceedings{26384, keywords = {smart grid, buildings, International, integration, responsive}, author = {Chandrayee Basu and Girish Ghatikar and Prateek Bansal}, title = {Enabling Efficient, Responsive, and Resilient Buildings: Collaboration Between the United States and India}, abstract = {

The United States and India have among the largest economies in the world, and they continue to work together to address current and future challenges in reliable electricity supply. The acceleration to efficient, grid-responsive, resilient buildings represents a key energy security objective for federal and state agencies in both countries. The weaknesses in the Indian grid system were manifest in 2012, in the country's worst blackout, which jeopardized the lives of half of India's 1.2 billion people. While both countries are investing significantly in power sector reform, India, by virtue of its colossal growth rate in commercial energy intensity and commercial floor space, is better placed than the United States to integrate and test state-of-art Smart Grid technologies in its future grid-responsive commercial buildings. This paper presents a roadmap of technical collaboration between the research organizations, and public-private stakeholders in both countries to accelerate the building-to-grid integration through pilot studies in India.

}, year = {2014}, journal = {IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid and the New Energy Economy}, month = {03/2014}, address = {Chicago, IL}, }