@misc{25928, keywords = {transmission planning, RTGRM, power system reliability metrics}, author = {Vikram S Budhraja and Fred Mobasheri and John Ballance and Jim Dyer and Alison Silverstein and Joseph H Eto}, title = {Improving Electricity Resource-Planning Processes by Considering the Strategic Benefits of Transmission}, abstract = {

Current methods of evaluating the economic impacts of new electricity transmission projects fail to capture the many strategic benefits of these projects, such as those resulting from their long life, dynamic changes to the system, access to diverse fuels, and advancement of public policy goals to integrate renewable-energy resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

}, year = {2009}, journal = {The Electricity Journal}, volume = {22}, month = {03/2009}, doi = {10.1016/j.tej.2009.01.004}, }