@article{25717, keywords = {cool roofs, spectrometer, Heat Island, Solar reflectance, Methods & Protocols, Pyranometer, Solar Spectrum Reflectometer, albedo, Albedometer, E1918, Roof tiles}, author = {Hashem Akbari and Ronnen M Levinson and Stephanie Stern}, title = {Procedure for measuring the solar reflectance of flat or curved roofing assemblies}, abstract = {

The widely used methods to measure the solar reflectance of roofing materials include ASTM standards E903 (spectrometer), C1549 (reflectometer), and E1918 (pyranometer). Standard E903 uses a spectrometer with an integrating sphere to measure the solar spectral reflectance of an area approximately 0.1 cm2. The solar spectral reflectance is then weighted with a solar spectral irradiance to calculate the solar reflectance. Standard C1549 uses a reflectometer to measure the solar reflectance of an area approximately 5 cm2. Both E903 and C1549 are best suited to measurement of the solar reflectance of flat, homogeneous surfaces. Standard E1918 uses a pyranometer to measure the solar reflectance of an area approximately 10 m2, and is best applied to large surfaces that may also be rough and/or non-uniform.

We describe a technique that uses a pyranometer to measure the solar reflectance of a uniform or variegated sample with diffusely reflective surface of an area of approximately 1 m2, and use this technique (referred to as E1918A) to measure the solar reflectances of low- and high-profile tile assemblies. For 10 large (10 m2) tile assemblies whose E1918 solar reflectances ranged from 0.10 to 0.50, the magnitude of the difference between the E1918A and E1918 measurements did not exceed 0.02 for unicolor assemblies, and did not exceed 0.03 for multicolor assemblies.

}, year = {2008}, journal = {Solar Energy}, volume = {82}, number = {7}, pages = {648-655}, month = {07/2008}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0038092X08000030}, doi = {10.1016/j.solener.2008.01.001}, language = {eng}, }