@article{25360, keywords = {Model, Energy, Gas, Temperature, Measurements, Measurement, Surface, Ablation, Laser, Laser ablation, Laser ablation, Time-resolved, Mass, Plasma, Number, Properties, Property, Vapor, Ga, Electron number densities, Density, Electron, Electron number density, Energies, Number density, Laser-induced plasma, Laser-induced plasma, Plume, Propagation, Theoretical-model, Vapor plume}, author = {Xianzhong Zeng and Xianglei Mao and Samuel S Mao and Sy-Bor Wen and Ralph Greif and Richard E Russo}, title = {Laser-Induced Shockwave Propagation from Ablation in a Cavity}, abstract = {

The propagation of laser-induced shockwaves from ablation inside of cavities was determined from time-resolved shadowgraph images. The temperature and electron number density of the laser-induced plasma was determined from spectroscopic measurements. These properties were compared to those for laser ablation on the flat surface under the same energy and background gas condition. A theoretical model was proposed to determine the amount of energy and vaporized mass stored in the vapor plume based on these measurements.

}, year = {2005}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, note = {


}, language = {eng}, }