@article{25314, keywords = {deflection, spectroscopy, liquid, sample, samples, photothermal, photothermal deflection}, author = {Jonathan D Spear and Robert J Silva and Gregory L Klunder and Richard E Russo}, title = {Collinear photothermal deflection spectroscopy of liquid samples at varying temperature}, abstract = {

The method of photothermal beam deflection was demonstrated for measuring the absorption spectrum of an aqueous Nd3+ solution at temperatures between 25°C and 90°C. Changes in the magnitude of the observed deflection can be correlated with the temperature dependence of both the absorptivity of the Nd3+ ions and the physical properties of the solvent, most notably the thermo-optic coefficient dn/dT.

}, year = {1993}, journal = {Applied Spectroscopy}, volume = {47}, pages = {1580-1584}, month = {10/1993}, url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/as/abstract.cfm?uri=as-47-10-1580}, language = {eng}, }