@article{25298, keywords = {energy, target, measurements, acoustics, measurement, power, experimental, laser ablation, laser-ablation, field, time, solids, c, laser material interaction, energies, ha, m, ambient, circulation, physics, media, stress, stresses, w}, author = {Mark A Shannon and Richard E Russo}, title = {Laser-Induced Stresses Versus Mechanical-Stress Power Measurements During Laser-Ablation of Solids}, abstract = {

Laser-induced stresses resulting from high-power laser-material interactions have been studied extensively. However, the rate of change in mechanical energy, or stress power, due to laser-induced stresses has only recently been investigated. An unanswered question for monitoring laser-material interactions in the far-field is whether stress power differs from stresses measured, particularly with respect to laser-energy coupling to a solid target. This letter shows experimental acoustic data which demonstrate that stress power measured in the far field of the target shows changes in laser-energy coupling, whereas the stresses measured do not. For the ambient medium above the target, stress power and stress together reflect changes in laser-energy coupling.

}, year = {1995}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, volume = {67}, pages = {3227-3229}, note = {


}, language = {eng}, }