@article{25197, keywords = {usa, material, laser, time, ca, plasma, development, picosecond, picosecond laser, processing, electronic material, electronic materials, laser processing}, author = {Samuel S Mao and Ralph Greif and Xianglei Mao and Richard E Russo}, title = {Plasma Development During Picosecond Laser Processing of Electronic Materials}, abstract = {

Lasers with picosecond and shorter pulse duration are receiving much attention due to their capabilities for direct-write micromachining on most materials with minimal lateral damage. Deposition of energy from lasers of large power density inevitably creates plasmas that often shield the target and reduce material processing efficiency. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge on the formation and subsequent evolution of plasmas during laser processing of materials at the picosecond time scale. Such information is essential for precise control of laser energy coupling with target materials, particularly for machining at microscale depth.

}, year = {2000}, journal = {Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME}, volume = {122}, pages = {424-424}, month = {08/2000}, doi = {10.1115/1.1289642}, note = {


}, language = {eng}, }