@article{25149, keywords = {Model, Deposition, Energy, Target, Gas, USA, Surface, Efficiency, Deflection, Velocity, Material, Ablation, Laser, Laser ablation, Laser ablation, Time, Beam, Ca, E, Sample, Samples, England, Excimer, Excimer laser, Solution, Flow, Polymers, Aluminum, Energies, M, Dynamics, Blast wave, Ambient, Shock, Shock wave, Shock wave, Wave, Beam deflection, Excimer laser, Excimer laser ablation, Excimer laser ablation, Expansion, Plume, Plume propagation, Prediction, Probe, Propagation}, author = {Sungho Jeong and Ralph Greif and Richard E Russo}, title = {Shock wave and material vapour plume propagation during excimer laser ablation of aluminium samples}, abstract = {
A probe beam deflection technique was utilized to measure the propagation of a shock wave and material vapour plume generated during excimer laser ablation of aluminium samples. The measured transit time of the laser-induced shock wave was compared with the prediction based on an ideal blast-wave model, using the Sedov-Taylor solution. The prediction of the incident laser energy converted into the laser-induced gasdynamic flow utilizing this blast-wave model overestimated the efficiency, even under conditions when the measured shock-wave velocity follows the correct model relation. The propagation of material vapour was measured from the deflection of the probe beam at later times. The propagation velocity of material vapour ranged from 20-40 m s-1 with a greater velocity near the target surface.
}, year = {1999}, journal = {Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}, volume = {32}, pages = {2578-2585}, month = {10/1999}, doi = {10.1088/0022-3727/32/19/316}, note = {LBNL-43859 NOT IN FILE
}, language = {eng}, }