@article{25146, keywords = {Laser ablation, Probe beam deflection, Blast wave}, author = {Sungho Jeong and Ralph Greif and Richard E Russo}, title = {Propagation of the shock wave generated from excimer laser heating of aluminum target in comparison with the idea blast wave theory}, abstract = {

Propagation of the shock wave generated during pulsed laser heating of aluminum targets was measured utilizing a probe beam deflection technique. The transit time of the laser-generated shock wave was compared with that predicted from the Sedov–Taylor solution for an ideal spherical blast wave. It was found that the most important parameters for the laser-generated shock wave to be consistent with the theoretically predicted propagation are the ambient pressure and the laser beam spot size. The prediction for laser energy conversion into the laser-induced vapor flow using the Sedov–Taylor solution overestimated the energy coupling efficiency, indicating a difference between a laser-induced gas-dynamic flow and an ideal blast wave.

}, year = {1998}, journal = {Applied Surface Science}, volume = {127-129}, pages = {1029-1034}, month = {05/1998}, doi = {10.1016/S0169-4332(97)00785-X}, note = {


}, language = {eng}, }