@inproceedings{24942, author = {Peng Xu and Philip Haves}, title = {Field Testing of Component-Level Model-Based Fault Detection Methods for Mixing Boxes and VAV Fan Systems}, abstract = {

An automated fault detection and diagnosis tool for HVAC systems is being developed, based on an integrated, life-cycle, approach to commissioning and performance monitoring. The tool uses component-level HVAC equipment models implemented in the SPARK equation-based simulation environment. The models are configured using design information and component manufacturers' data and then fine-tuned to match the actual performance of the equipment by using data measured during functional tests of the sort using in commissioning. This paper presents the results of field tests of mixing box and VAV fan system models in an experimental facility and a commercial office building. The models were found to be capable of representing the performance of correctly operating mixing box and VAV fan systems and detecting several types of incorrect operation.

}, year = {2002}, journal = {2002 American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings}, month = {05/2002}, address = {Pacific Grove, California}, language = {eng}, }