@article{24927, author = {Konstantinos M Papamichael}, title = {Green Building Performance Prediction/Assessment}, abstract = {

To make decisions, building designers need to predict and assess the performance of their ideas with respect to various criteria, such as comfort, esthetics, energy, environmental impact, economics, etc. Performance prediction with respect to environmental impact requires complicated models and massive computations, which are usually possible only through computer-based tools. This paper focuses on the use of,computer-based tools for predicting and assessing building performance with respect to environmental impact criteria for the design of green.buildings. It contains analyses of green performance prediction/assessment and descriptions of available tools, along with discussions on their use by different types of users. Finally, it includes analyses of the cost and benefits of green performance prediction and assessment.

}, year = {2000}, journal = {Building Research & Information}, volume = {28}, number = {5-6}, pages = {394-402}, month = {02/2000}, language = {eng}, }