@proceedings{24730, author = {Yudong Ma and Francesco Borrelli and Brandon Hencey and Brian E Coffey and Sorin Bengea and Philip Haves}, title = {Model Predictive Control of Thermal Energy Storage in Building Cooling Systems}, abstract = {A model-based predictive control (MPC) is designed for optimal thermal energy storage in building cooling systems. We focus on buildings equipped with a water tank used for actively storing cold water produced by a series of chillers. Typically the chillers are operated at night to recharge the storage tank in order to meet the building demands on the following day. In this paper, we build on our previous work, improve the building load model, and present experimental results. The experiments show that MPC can achieve reductionin the central plant electricity cost and improvement of its efficiency.}, year = {2010}, journal = {American Control Conference}, month = {06/2010}, address = {Baltimore, Maryland, USA}, language = {eng}, }