@article{24557, author = {Young-Hum Cho and Mingsheng Liu and Xiufeng Pang}, title = {Improving Control and Operation of a Single Duct VAV System through CCLEP}, abstract = {

With the energy crisis of the early 1970s came the realization that buildings could be made much more efficient without sacrificing comfort. Over the last 30 years, use of variable air volume systems has become common practice. Many variable air volume (VAV) systems with pneumatic controls were installed in the 1980s and are still in use. However, these systems often have outdated control strategies and deficient mechanical systems are deficient, which may cause occupant discomfort and excess energy consumption.

An ASHRAE committee proposed building commissioning in 1988 to ensure that system performance met design specifications. Continuous Commissioning (CC[R]) technology was developed and implemented in 1992. CC is an ongoing process to resolve operating problems, improve comfort, optimize energy use and identify retrofits for existing commercial and institutional buildings and central plant facilities [1-5]. Since 1999, the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) at the University of Nebraska has conducted extensive research to implement optimal system control during the design phase and finalize the optimal setpoints after system installation. ESL researchers have developed and implemented the Continuous Commissioning Leading Energy Project (CCLEP) process with federal and industry support. The CCLEP process has two stages: the contracting stage and the implementation stage. During the contracting stage, a comprehensive technical evaluation is performed. The CCLEP implementation stage involves planning, retrofit and trouble shooting, and optimization and follow-up. The CCLEP process, procedures and seven case study results are presented in [6].

This paper presents information on the case study facility, existing and improved control sequences, and building performance improvement and energy consumption measures before and after CCLEP implementation

}, year = {2009}, journal = {ASHRAE Transactions}, volume = {115}, pages = {760-768}, month = {07/2009}, language = {eng}, }