@article{24556, author = {Lixia Wu and Mingsheng Liu and Xiufeng Pang and Gang Wang and Thomas G Lewis}, title = {CCLEP Reduces Energy Consumption by More than 50% for a Luxury Shopping Mall}, abstract = {

The Continuous Commissioning Leading Project (CCLEP) process is an ongoing process to apply system optimization theory and advanced technologies to commercial retrofit projects. It was developed by Liu et al (2006) through a U.S. Department of Energy grant to the University of Nebraska and the Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) for continuous commissioning applications in commercial retrofit projects. The CCLEP process, procedures and seven case study results have already been presented (Liu et al 2006).

CCLEP was applied to a luxury shopping mall and office building. The case study building has ten single fan dual-duct VAV AHUs, 123 dual-duct pneumatic controller pressure independent terminal boxes, and a central heating and cooling plant. Major retrofit efforts include upgrading pneumatic to DDC controls for all AHUs, installing main hot deck dampers, replacing the boiler, installing VFD on fans and pumps, and installing Fan Airflow Stations (FAS) and Pump Waterflow Stations (PWS). This paper presents the optimal control strategies, which include main hot deck damper control, supply fan control integrated with FAS, return fan control, optimal control for terminal boxes, chilled water temperature and chilled water pump speed control, hot water temperature and hot water pump control. The measured hourly utility data after CCLEP show that annual HVAC electricity consumption is reduced by 56% and gas use is reduced by 36%.

This paper demonstrates the energy savings and system performance improvement through retrofits and optimal system control. This paper will present the case study building information, CCLEP major retrofits, CCLEP optimal control strategies, CCLEP results and conclusions

}, year = {2009}, journal = {ASHRAE Transactions}, volume = {115}, pages = {492-501}, language = {eng}, }