@article{23859, author = {André Anders}, title = {Observation of Self-Sputtering in Energetic Condensation of Metal Ions}, abstract = {

The condensation of energetic metal ions on a surface may cause self-sputtering even in the absence of substrate bias. Charge-state-averaged self-sputtering yields were determined for both zirconium and gold ions generated by a cathodic vacuum arc. Films were deposited on differently biased substrates exposed to streaming Zr and Au vacuum arc plasma. The self-sputtering yields for both metals were estimated to be about 0.05 in the absence of bias, and exceeding 0.5 when bias reached - 50 V. These surprisingly high values can be reconciled with binary collision theory and molecular dynamics calculations taking high the kinetic and potential energy of vacuum arc ions into account.

}, year = {2004}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, volume = {85}, number = {25}, pages = {6137-6139}, language = {eng}, }