@inproceedings{23609, author = {Michael J Siminovitch and Andrew Hamilton and Chin Zhang and Rudolph R Verderber}, title = {Dirt Depreciation of Compact Fluorescent Lamp Downlights}, abstract = {

An experimental protocol and apparatus was developed to assess the relative differences in dirt depreciation between vented and unvented compact fluorescent recessed downlights under simulated conditions. A simulated plenum/ceiling chamber is designed to expose both vented and unvented fixtures simultaneously to a controlled dust environment over an extended period of time. Experimental data shows that the unvented fixture depreciated faster over time due to dust exposure than the vented fixture.

}, year = {1993}, journal = {Annual IEEE-IAS Conference}, month = {10/1993}, address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada}, doi = {10.1109/IAS.1993.299189}, language = {eng}, }