@misc{23104, keywords = {renewable energy: policy}, author = {Ben Hoen and Ryan H Wiser and Mark A Thayer and Peter Cappers}, title = {Residential Photovoltaic Energy Systems in California: The Effect on Home Sales Prices}, abstract = {

Relatively little research exists estimating the marginal impacts of photovoltaic (PV) energy systems on home sale prices. Using a large dataset of California homes that sold from 2000 through mid-2009, we find strong evidence, despite a variety of robustness checks, that existing homes with PV systems sold for a premium over comparable homes without PV systems, implying a near full return on investment. Premiums for new homes are found to be considerably lower than those for existing homes, implying, potentially, a tradeoff between price and sales velocity. The results have significant implications for homeowners, builders, appraisers, lenders, and policymakers.

}, year = {2012}, month = {03/2012}, note = {

Note: A peer-reviewed version of this report was published in Contemporary Economic Policy. To see the published article, click here.

}, }