@misc{23064, keywords = {Demand response, LR00-001, Spinning reserves}, author = {Joseph H Eto and Janine Nelson-Hoffman and Carlos Torres and Scott Hirth and Robert J Yinger and John D Kueck and Brendan J Kirby and Clark Bernier and Roger Wright and Arup Barat and David S Watson}, title = {Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration}, abstract = {

The Demand Response Spinning Reserve project is a pioneering demonstration of how using existing utility load-management assets can provide an important electricity system reliability resource known as spinning reserve. Providing spinning reserve with aggregated demand-side resources such as those illustrated in this report will give grid operators at California Independent System Operator (CA ISO) and Southern California Edison (SCE) a powerful, new tool to improve system reliability, prevent rolling blackouts, and lower system operating costs.

}, year = {2007}, pages = {71}, month = {05/2007}, publisher = {LBNL}, address = {Berkeley}, }