@misc{22700, keywords = {CAISO, RTGRM, Reliability Adequacy Tools, RTVSA, voltage security}, author = {Joseph H Eto and Manu Parashar and Bernard Lesieutre and Nancy J Lewis}, title = {CA ISO Real Time Voltage Security Assessment (VSA) Project: Summary of Survey Result on Methodologies for use in Real Time Voltage Security Assessment}, abstract = {

The California ISO Real-Time Voltage Security Assessment (VSA) project is designed to research methods and analytic approaches for utilization in developing tools for use by dispatchers that provide real time assessment of voltage margins and contingency rankings. As the first step to achieve this objective, CERTS/EPG formulated a survey to reach out to experts in this field for comments, information, suggestions, and recommendations. The survey can be found in Appendix A. Two projects were suggested to the reviewers. The first was a proposal to develop a Real-Time Voltage Security Margin Assessment tool with the ability to identify abnormal reductions of nodal voltages, weak elements and regions most affected by voltage problems. The other was to develop a Real-Time Angle Stability Margin Assessment tool with the ability to use phasor measurement unit (PMU) data to calculate "distance to instability".

}, year = {2005}, journal = {CAISO Real-Time Voltage Security Assessment (VSA)}, pages = {13}, month = {04/2005}, }