@misc{22689, keywords = {indoor environment group, LBNL Stove Testing Facility}, author = {Kathleen M Lask and Jennifer L Jones and Kayje Booker and Cristina Ceballos and Nina Yang and Ashok J Gadgil}, title = {Performance of Charcoal Cookstoves for Haiti, Part 2: Results from the Controlled Cooking Test}, abstract = {

This report is the second part of an effort to test cookstoves for Haiti at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) stove testing facility. In January 2010, a massive earthquake rendered hundreds of thousands of Haitians homeless. A large relief and reconstruction effort began almost immediately. Many non-government organizations (NGOs) began considering fuel-efficient stoves as an integral part of the reconstruction effort. In April 2010, LBNL, with support from the Darfur Stoves Project, organized a team of scientists and engineers to undertake a fact-finding mission in Haiti to assess the needs and opportunities for fuel-efficient cookstove intervention. Based on data collected from interviews with Haitians and NGOs, the team (Scott Sadlon, Robert Cheng, and Kayje Booker) identified and recommended stove performance testing and comparison as a high priority need that could be filled by LBNL.

}, year = {2011}, publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory}, address = {Berkeley}, language = {eng}, }