@proceedings{22628, author = {William J Fisk and Gail Brager and Martha Brook and Harriet A Burge and James Cole and James B Cummings and Hal Levin and Vivian Loftness and Terrence Logee and Mark J Mendell and Andrew K Persily and Steven T Taylor and Jianshun Zhang}, title = {A priority agenda for energy-related indoor environmental quality research}, abstract = {

A multidisciplinary team of IEQ and energy researchers is working together to define a program of priority energy-related IEQ research. This paper describes the methods employed, ten high priority broad research and development (R&D) goals, and 34 high priority R&D project areas linked to these goals.

}, year = {2002}, journal = {Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA}, volume = {2}, pages = {984-989}, publisher = {Indoor Air 2002, Santa Cruz, CA}, language = {eng}, }