@inproceedings{22620, keywords = {Formaldehyde, Source reduction, VOCs, Manufactured houses, School classrooms}, author = {Alfred T Hodgson and Michael G Apte and Derek G Shendell and David Beal and Janet E.R McIlvaine}, title = {Implementation of VOC Source Reduction Practices in a Manufactured House and in School Classrooms}, abstract = {

Detailed studies of a new manufactured house and four new industrialized relocatable school classrooms were conducted to determine the emission sources of formaldehyde and other VOCs and to identify and implement source reduction practices. Procedures were developed to generate VOC emission factors that allowed reasonably accurate predictions of indoor air VOC concentrations. Based on the identified sources of formaldehyde and other aldehydes, practices were developed to reduce the concentrations of these compounds in new house construction. An alternate ceiling panel reduced formaldehyde concentrations in the classrooms. Overall, the classrooms had relatively low VOC concentrations.

}, year = {2002}, journal = {Indoor Air 2002, June 30 - July 5, 2002}, volume = {3}, pages = {576-581}, address = {Monterey, California}, language = {eng}, }