@misc{22473, keywords = {energy efficiency, China, room air conditioners, round robin testing}, author = {Nan Zhou and David Fridley and Nina Zheng and André Pierrot and Nina Khanna}, title = {China Energy Efficiency Round Robin Testing Results for Room Air Conditioners}, abstract = {

The main conclusions of the studies are the following ones:

In our opinion, it is possible to enhance the quality of the testing without excessive efforts,provided that some periodic verification is performed within the independent laboratories. We would also like to point out that the air enthalpy method is not the best test method in a MEPS environment, as this method has a greater uncertainty of measurement than the calorimeter room method, and above all because there is no verification of the result with a simultaneous measurement outdoor side.

}, year = {2010}, month = {06/2010}, publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association}, language = {eng}, }