@proceedings{22309, author = {David M Lorenzetti}, title = {Predicting Indoor Pollutant Concentrations, and Applications to Air Quality Management}, abstract = {
Because most people spend more than 90% of their time indoors, predicting exposure to airborne pollutants requires models that incorporate the effect of buildings. Buildings affect the exposure of their occupants in a number of ways, both by design (for example, filters in ventilation systems remove particles) and incidentally (for example, sorption on walls can reduce peak concentrations, but prolong exposure to semivolatile organic compounds). Furthermore, building materials and occupant activities can generate pollutants. This paper surveys modeling approaches for predicting pollutant concentrations in buildings, and summarizes the application of these models.
}, year = {2002}, journal = {Proceedings of the Joint WHO-JRC-ECA Workshop on the Role of Human Exposure Assessment in Air Quality Management, Bonn, Germany}, language = {eng}, }