@proceedings{22305, author = {Deborah H Bennett and Edwin J Furtaw Jr and Thomas E McKone}, title = {A fugacity-based indoor residential pesticide fate model}, abstract = {

Dermal and non-dietary pathways are potentially significant exposure pathways to pesticides used in residences. Exposure pathways include dermal contact with residues on surfaces, ingestion from hand- and object-to-mouth activities, and absorption of pesticides into food. A limited amount of data has been collected on pesticide concentrations in various residential compartments following an application. But models are needed to interpret this data and make predictions about other pesticides based on chemical properties. In this paper, we propose a mass-balance compartment model based on fugacity principles. We include air (both gas phase and aerosols), carpet, smooth flooring, and walls as model compartments. Pesticide concentrations on furniture and toys, and in food, are being added to the model as data becomes available. We determine the compartmental fugacity capacity and mass transfer-rate coefficient for wallboard as an example. We also present the framework and equations needed for a dynamic mass-balance model.

}, year = {2002}, journal = {Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA}, volume = {1}, pages = {261-266}, publisher = {Indoor Air 2002, Santa Cruz, CA}, language = {eng}, }