@proceedings{22250, author = {Marc L Fischer and Melissa M Lunden and Tracy L Thatcher and Richard G Sextro and Nancy J Brown}, title = {Predicting Indoor PM2.5 Of Outdoor Origin: Testing a transient size-resolved Model Using Intensive Measurements From A Residence}, abstract = {

We report tests of a model for indoor PM2.5 of outdoor origin that incorporates physical mechanisms for time dependent transport, and size dependent penetration and deposition. This work was performed using information obtained from an intensive study of a house near Fresno, CA, USA. During the multi-week study covering two seasons, we measured particles in both indoor and outdoor air, with high temporal, chemical, and size resolution, and other variables that also affect transport and fate. Results suggest that 1) the model captures a significant fraction of the variation in meteorologically forced air infiltration rate, 2) the predicted indoor/outdoor PM2.5 ratio is not consistent with the measured ratio unless a large (unphysical) deposition rate > 2 hr-1 is assumed, and 3) the differences between model and measurement in indoor PM2.5 are likely due to loss of volatile ammonium-nitrate aerosol. We conclude that nitrate particle volitization must be included in the model formulation.

}, year = {2002}, journal = {Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA}, volume = {1}, pages = {152-157}, publisher = {Indoor Air 2002, Santa Cruz, CA}, language = {eng}, }