@misc{22001, keywords = {electricity markets and policy group, energy analysis and environmental impacts department}, author = {Joseph H Eto and Charles A Goldman and M. M Suzie Kito}, title = {Ratepayer-Funded Energy-Efficiency Programs in a Restructured Electricity Industry: Issues, Options, and Unanswered Questions}, abstract = {

Regulated utilities have, in the past, been responsible for "public purpose" programs that contribute to the general social good, such as energy-efficiency programs. In several states, continuation of these programs has become a critical issue in forging the consensus required to proceed with restructuring. As a result of reviewing the restructuring process in several states, we expect this trend to continue, but do not believe a single, generic approach can or should be defined. Instead, we expect a variety of solutions based on considerations unique to individual states or regions. To help structure these discussions in states struggling with this issue, we pose a series of questions and describe a range of possible answers:

}, year = {1996}, pages = {24}, month = {08/1996}, publisher = {LBNL}, address = {Berkeley}, }