@misc{21803, keywords = {CEC-007, CERTS Transmission Planning, transmission system reliability, transmission system reliability publications}, author = {Vikram S Budhraja and John Ballance and Jim Dyer and Fred Mobasheri and Joseph H Eto}, title = {Transmission Benefit Quantification, Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery}, abstract = {

This project was commissioned to perform a scoping study to understand transmission benefit quantification, cost allocation, cost recovery, and project approval processes with a particular focus on recommending new methods for improved benefit quantification and cost allocation that better fits the new electric industry structure and planning environment. Research goals and objectives included:

  1. Review methodologies currently being used for transmission project quantification.
  2. Review and summarize benefit analysis that have been carried out for some recent transmission projects in California.
  3. Present and summarize research results to improve benefit quantification methods for new transmission projects.
  4. Outline approaches to apply improved benefit quantification method to: evaluate project cost effectiveness, allocate project costs among participants, and develop framework for cost recovery.

Key conclusions and research recommendations are:

}, year = {2009}, journal = {Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program}, pages = {216}, month = {12/2009}, publisher = {LBNL}, address = {Berkeley}, }